
Athletes who participate in Special Olympics Wyoming are committed to practice and training before competition. There are basic elements to an athlete’s selection of sport and training.


Getting Started

Selection of Sport

Athletes should be included in the selection of their sport, recognizing that there may be some limitations on resources and facilities. For example, if your athlete joins an existing local program, he or she should be able to select a sport each season from the sports offered. A parent or coach’s assistance with the selection will help guide an athlete to entry level participation that could eventually develop an athlete to qualify for other advanced opportunities.

Seasonal Training

Once a sport is selected an athlete is required to make a commitment to training and seasonal play to qualify for Area and Statewide competition opportunities. Training and competition experience through practice or league or club play should be incorporated into an 8-10 week sports season that includes:

  • Sports Skills Training
  • Fitness Training
  • Sports Rules
  • Instruction on concept and competition strategy play
  • Sportsmanship

All training should be conducted with proper sports clothing and equipment at a facility that provides a safe and obstruction-free venue for activity. Parents and family members should only be part of the training if requested by the coaching staff. Parents/guardians and athletes need to commit to the entire seasonal experience.


Coach Training

Special Olympics Wyoming offers seasonal coaches trainings as part of the Coaches Education Plan. Learn more about how to Become a Coach.


Home Training Resources
  • Fit 5 is based on the three simple goals of exercising 5 days per week, eating 5 total fruits and vegetables per day and drinking 5 water bottles of water per day. Fit 5 is a training program that can be done at home and anywhere outside competition. The many resources that Fit 5 provide can be accessed HERE
  • School of Strength Fitness is an interactive online platform that encourages athletes to participate in a fun and engaging training program that they can do in the comfort of their own homes. Developed in partnership with WWE superstar Becky Lynch, this series of videos, a fitness tracker, a coach’s playbook and a caregiver toolkit all contribute to helping athletes focus on nutrition and fitness and getting the most out of their workouts. The many resources for School of Strength can be accessed HERE


General Session

This session is the “nuts and bolts” of our organization. It includes a look at the history and set up of Special Olympics Wyoming, our constituency, the sports and training side of Special Olympics Wyoming, benefits of the organization, and the direction we are going in.

Special Olympics Wyoming requires Class ‘A’ Volunteers (coaches, chaperones, Unified Sports® partners, etc.) complete the General Session and Quiz. This is a onetime requirement! We do highly encourage everyone to take it to gain some great Special Olympics knowledge.

Step 1: View the General Session PDF

Step 2: Complete the General Session Quiz. Contact the office at 307-235-3062 for the quiz website and your registration code.

Step 3: Enjoy volunteering for Special Olympics Wyoming!



Become a Coach Protective Behaviors Training