For every inspiring Special Olympics athlete in Wyoming there are 5 more people waiting for their chance.
 Grant Writing

Grant writing takes more of a time investment but can net a higher financial gain, anywhere from $250 to $2,500. Check with Jen Haines to check on availability of grants in your community.

Civic organizations

We welcome volunteers to come and speak on behalf of the organization. Special Olympics is a Global emphasis with the Knights of Columbus and the American Legion. Other civic organizations including, but not limited to, Kiwanis, Optimists,VFW, Eagles, Moose and the Elks have historically been supportive financially as well as major volunteer contributors. Win Win!

Employer Match Programs

Employer match programs are also a great source of volunteer hours and financial contributions combined. Reaching out to local manufacturing, mining and corporate businesses to inquire if they have a Employee Hourly Donation program in place that allows employees to donate hours of pay per month to the local program, or, for every hour an employee spends volunteering for Special Olympics, the employer will donate X amount. There are many variations on this idea that have been successful, and creativity increases the opportunity for success.

Donate at The Register

Donate at Register
When you shop at these partnering stores, you'll be asked if you'd like to donate to People with Disabilities. Special Olympics Wyoming athletes will benefit from your donation. Thank you for creating a world of inclusion. 

Donate Your Car to SOWY

Donate Your Car to Special Olympics Wyoming
Special Olympics Wyoming allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to share their skills through the joy of sports.In Wyoming, Special Olympics serves over 1,600 athletes and offers Olympic-style individual and team sports that provide training and competition opportunities for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Your Special Olympics Wyoming car donation can transform lives, each and every day.How to Donate Your Car1. Go to or call (888) 828-0022 to fill out the donation form. We’ll ask for information about your car and where it will be picked up. For more answers to your Special Olympics Wyoming car donation questions, view our full FAQ page or call us at (888) 828-0022.


Giving Tuesday

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.Join the movement and give – each Tuesday and every day – whether it’s some of your time, a donation, or the power of your voice in your local community.It’s a simple idea: whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.


WyoGives - an initiative of the Wyoming Nonprofit Network – is a powerful, statewide 24-hour online fundraising event that is designed to bring the state together as one community to raise money and awareness for Wyoming’s provides one, easy-to-use platform where individuals can search and donate to nonprofits across the state that are making a difference in our communities every day. In 2021, with the $1 million match from the Hughes Charitable Foundation, WyoGives raised over $2.3 million! The 5th annual WyoGives is Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

Peer to Peer fundraisers are a great way to raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Wyoming movement.

Peer to peer fundraising is when individuals organize personal campaigns to collect donations from their peers, family and friends. These fundraisers can include asking for donations via crowdfunding, throwing occasion-specific fundraisers (like birthdays, Jackalope Jumps, Law Enforcement Torch Runs) These are safe and easy opportunities to raise funds from across the USA. Become a champion and raise money by joining a team or raising money solo by sharing a fundraising link via social media and email.

Before engaging in any fundraising opportunity on behalf of Special Olympics Wyoming it is important to read over the guidelines set forth in the Fundraising section of the Coordinators Manual located on the Special Olympics Wyoming website.

Once you have decided on a specific event, you need to fill out the Fundraising Notification Form at least 30 days prior to your event for approval.

For more information on Local Fundraising Events contact


Run/ Walk/ Skate

Grab your friends and run, walk, skate to raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Wyoming athletes.

Run / walk are easy to plan and schedule with friends and even businesses if you want a venue to finish and relax. Let us know if you want help planning the event. Our athletes love to get involved.

Garage/Bake/Cookbook Sales
Garage, bake, and cookbook sales are one of the best ways to raise awareness and funds in your neighborhood. Gather your friends and gather your stuff! Whether it be baked goods, garage treasures, used books or recipes...create your sale! Invite students, teachers, churches and other local organizations to include all ages in the fun!

Guests serving guests
Guests serving guests generates dollars by offering your services in a local restaurant bussing tables, hosting or waiting tables. There are many variations on this event, for example, the volunteer staff donates all tips to the organization or a certain percentage of the sales is donated. The event can be advertised which brings in more support, awareness and in turn more dollars.

Concession proceeds has been successful in different areas of the state for various events like rodeos, mountain man rendezvous and school sporting events. Contact the concessionaire and request that a certain percentage of the proceeds benefit your local program, or if you volunteer to park cars, a certain percentage of that fee would go to the local SOWY program.