Unified Champion Schools
The goal of Unified Champion Schools is to use sports and education programs of Special Olympics to activate young people in order to promote school communities where all young people are agents of change- fostering respect, dignity, and advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities.
Young Athletes Program
Special Olympics Young Athletes is an early childhood play program for children with and without intellectual disabilities, ages 2 to 7 years old. Young Athletes introduces basic sport skills, like running, kicking and throwing. Young Athletes offers families, teachers, caregivers and people from the community the chance to share the joy of sports with all children.
Healthy Athletes
The Healthy Athletes initiative is dedicated to providing health services and education to Special Olympics athletes, and changing the way health systems interact with people with intellectual disabilities.
Athlete Leadership Programs
Our Athlete Leadership Programs can take athletes even farther -- as leaders and spokespeople respected in their communities. Special Olympics Wyoming offers many fun and exciting activities for athletes and their families outside of the traditional Special Olympics sports.
Local and Area Programs
Special Olympics Wyoming serves five different Areas that cover all of Wyoming. We have 55 programs currently in Wyoming and are working hard to get more programs started.